John Stamos opens up about his childhood trauma

Childhood Revelation

John Stamos shares a deeply personal experience from his youth

Image : instagram

Painful Past

Stamos reflects on how writing his memoir brought forgotten memories to light

Image : instagram

Facing the Truth

The star's admission of childhood abuse by a babysitter and his emotional journey

Image : instagram

Memories Resurface

Stamos recalls the abuse he endured at the age of 10 or 11

Image : instagram

Coping Mechanisms

Stamos discusses how he initially brushed off the trauma hoping it would stop

Image : instagram

A Reluctant Focus

Stamos didn't want his book or advocacy to center solely on his trauma

Image : instagram

A Page in His Story

Stamos acknowledges his need to address his past despite not wanting it to define him

Image : instagram

Breaking the Silence

John Stamos' bravery in sharing his story for a greater purpose

Image : instagram

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