Taylor Swift Helps Feed Hungry People in Kansas City

In a lovely act of kindness, famous singer Taylor Swift recently helped a group called Harvesters in Kansas City. She gave them some money to help people who don’t have enough food.

A Surprise Gift

A lady named Sarah Biles who talks to people for Harvesters said they were very surprised and happy. Taylor Swift gave the money after her show in Kansas City. Harvesters told everyone on the internet that because of Taylor Swift’s help, many families and older people won’t be hungry.

Helping When It’s Needed

We don’t know exactly how much money Taylor Swift gave but it helped a lot of people get food. This was important because some other programs to help hungry people had finished. Taylor Swift’s help came at just the right time.

An Invitation to Visit

The lady from Harvesters Sarah Biles wants Taylor Swift to come and see how her gift is helping. She said “Harvesters is very close to where Taylor Swift sang her songs. We would be very happy if she came to see us and learn more about what we do.”

Maybe a Team Effort

Taylor Swift and a football player Travis Kelce have been seen together at football games. They might become good friends and do something nice together. There’s a special event for helping hungry people on New Year’s Eve and they could join in.

Taylor Swift’s gift to Harvesters is a big help to people who need food. We hope Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce can work together to help even more.


How much did Taylor Swift give to Harvesters?

We don’t know the exact amount but it was a lot.

What is Harvesters trying to do?

Harvesters wants to make sure people have enough to eat in Kansas City.

Can Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce work together for a good cause?

They might become friends and help people in need.

How can I help people who don’t have enough to eat?

You can give food or money to local groups that help hungry people.

Has Taylor Swift helped other causes?

Yes she has helped with many different things like schools, disasters and people’s rights.

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