Pete Davidson Rocks SNL as Season 49 Kicks Off

Pete Davidson the funny guy we all love recently hosted the start of the 49th season of Saturday Night Live. It was an awesome show full of jokes, some serious stuff and even famous guests.

A Serious Start

The show began with Pete talking seriously about a big problem between Israel and Hamas. This is not usual for a comedy show but it was important. Pete with his jokes and honesty talked about this tough topic.

He said, “You might wonder, why Pete Davidson? Well when I was seven my dad died in a bad attack. So I understand a bit about what that’s like.”

Pete’s dad was a firefighter in New York and lost his life during the 9/11 attacks. Pete said that seeing the sad pictures from the Israel-Hamas problem took him back to a really bad time. But he also told us that watching funny stuff like Eddie Murphy’s “Delirious” comedy helped him smile again.

He said, “Sometimes when things are really sad, laughter is the best way to feel better. I feel sad for everyone who’s going through hard times but tonight, I’m going to do what I do best and that’s making people laugh. But remember I said ‘try.'”

What People Thought

People on the internet loved what Pete said. They called it “beautiful,” “perfect” and “amazing.” Many liked how SNL talks about tough things with humor.

Funny Moments and Guests

After Pete’s talk, the show had lots of funny parts. There was a silly song with Barbie, a funny guy pretending to be Deion Sanders and jokes about famous folks like Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Pete showed that you can talk about serious stuff and then make everyone laugh too.

Pete Davidson’s return to SNL to start the 49th season was fantastic. He made us laugh and think about big problems. The show mixed humor and important stuff in a cool way. Pete’s talk about the Israel-Hamas issue was touching, and it reminded us that humor can help even in tough times.

In a world where things can be hard, Pete showed us that laughter is powerful and we should talk about serious stuff with kindness and humor.


Why did Pete Davidson talk about the Israel-Hamas problem?

Pete talked about it because he knows how tough things can be. His dad was a hero who lost his life during 9/11 so he understands what sadness is like.

How did people feel about what Pete said on SNL?

People on the internet loved it. They called it “beautiful,” “perfect” and “amazing.”

What were the fun parts of SNL’s 49th season premiere?

The show had funny bits like a silly Barbie song and jokes about famous people like Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.

Why is laughter important when things are sad?

Laughter can make you feel better even when things are tough. It’s a way to find joy and it helps us when we’re sad.

What did Pete Davidson’s talk remind us about humor and serious topics?

Pete showed us that humor can help even when we talk about serious stuff. We should be kind and funny when we discuss tough things.

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