Chloë Grace Moretz and the Scary Blood Rule

Chloë Grace Moretz a famous actress has a simple rule: no fake blood on her. She doesn’t want any fake blood near her even in movies. In an interview with Yahoo Entertainment she said “I don’t want that blood on my face”

Carrie With A Very Messy Movie

Chloë played a girl named Carrie White in a movie called “Carrie.” Carrie could move things with her mind, but she had a tough life. At the end of the movie, there was a big scene at a school dance. Carrie was chosen as the prom queen which should be a happy moment but it turned into a disaster.

Someone dumped a bucket of pig’s blood on her and it was all fake of course. This was a mean prank by her enemies. After that things got really crazy. Carrie used her powers to get back at the people who hurt her.

The Bloody Prom

The scene where Carrie gets covered in fake blood is famous. It’s been talked about a lot over the years. One actor from the old version of “Carrie” said he and the actress had so much fun that they couldn’t stop laughing while they filmed it.

Sissy Spacek the actress who played Carrie in the old version even said the fake blood felt like a warm blanket. She also had to open her eyes really wide after being in the blood which made the scene even scarier.

So Chloë Grace Moretz’s rule about no fake blood makes sense because of her experience in “Carrie.” The movie made her famous but it also made her never want fake blood near her again.

This scene is a good example of how actors work hard to make movies. It’s also a reminder that movies can be both fun and challenging.


How long did Chloë Grace Moretz stay in fake blood for “Carrie”?

She was in fake blood every day for more than a month and a half while filming the “Bloody Prom” scene.

Who played Carrie in the old version of “Carrie”?

Sissy Spacek was the actress who played Carrie in the old version.

What happened to Carrie at the prom in the movie?

A bucket of fake pig’s blood was dumped on her and it made her very angry.

Why did Chloë Grace Moretz not want fake blood in her movies anymore?

After her experience with fake blood in “Carrie,” she didn’t want it near her because it was messy and uncomfortable.

What’s the important thing to remember about making movies from this story?

Making movies can be hard work and fun at the same time. The “Carrie” scene is an example of that.

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